This study delves into the intricate relationship between privacy and security within Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). It identifies and analyzes distinct employee perceptions of these intertwined issues within a company's KMS environment. By exploring these perspectives, the authors aim to dispel the confusion surrounding privacy and security in KMS settings. The research employed an explanatory sequential mixed method design. First, a questionnaire survey was distributed directly to KM staff across three companies. This was followed by semi-structured interviews with four KM staff members. The findings reveal a high level of employee awareness regarding the importance of KMS and, consequently, the significance of personal information privacy and security. The study further distinguishes between privacy and security concerns within KMS. Privacy concerns, differentiated across three dimensions: confidentiality, trust, and behavior, are primarily viewed from the organizational layer. Security aspects, on the other hand, are seen as aligned with the ICT layer, governed by legal frameworks and KMS architecture.
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